Posts tagged ‘changes ‘

The night is gone, a new day has come…

Time for a little venting :)…

Those of you that know me, know that I’ve been in a bit of a funk. I mostly blame it on the bleak winter coming right after my baby was born. Baby blues + dreary weather = not a happy mommy. Add to that mix a toddler adjusting to a new sibling, and a husband traveling alot more than usual. Needless to say, the past few months have been different. Now, I know that we all go through phases and seasons of our lives; we all have challenges and times that make us refocus. This has definitely been a time like that for me. Now, I wish that I could say that I grew stronger in my faith, closer to my family and learned a great deal from this time of shadows (it wasn’t all bad, so not darkness). Unfortunately though, while I did learn a great deal about myself, I learned that I close myself off when I’m afraid. I tend to slowly and quietly push people out, rather than openly share my feelings. And sadly, I did the same with God. I knew that I needed to trust Him with my feelings of inadequacy and frustration. I know that I would have come out of it alot sooner, if I had not been so stubborn. But I was, and it took months for me to wake up from the fog I was living in.
This past month of sunshine and newness has shown me just how lost in myself I really was. I am getting things back in order in every aspect of my life. So, with that, come changes to this blog. I know I’m not the only one who has struggled with feelings of frustration and drowning in the everyday :). I need to get back on track with my savings, and I’ll continue to share deals and finds with you. But there are plenty of great blogs where you can find better info! I want to do more here, even if it’s just for me to have a place to share “out loud”. So, you’ll get more of a glimpse into my life. I’ve started exercising again – I have 20 pounds to lose! I’m starting to get back to a healthier diet 🙂 (that’s a slower process, but getting there!) I’m getting my house back in order. And most importantly, I’m getting my walk with Christ back on track.
I used to write all the time, it was my release outside of the theatre. I wrote poetry, songs, stories, letters. This is my new pen, my new journal. Feel free to come along, join in, or run away :). The choice is yours, but I’ll be here, offering an honest look into my *new* season of life.
Many years ago, I wrote a short story about the Resurrection titled The Night Is Gone, A New Day Has Come that’s how I feel now. I’m starting a new day-feel free to join me!

Thanks for letting me get that out 🙂

3 comments April 16, 2010

April 2024

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